
Cuomo appoints Conslato to EDC

In an effort to stimulate regional business prosperity, Governor Andrew Cuomo launched his New York City Regional Economic Development Council (EDC) with an eye toward redesigning the relationship with the state government and businesses.
Carol Conslato, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, has been named to the council spearheading economic growth in the city.
“The Queens Chamber supported this economic reform that recognizes local planning, experience and skill as attributes that best empower the five boroughs to stimulate our local economies and create jobs,” said Conslato. “I intend to serve as a voice for sound initiatives that utilize our local strengths.”
The council will be led by Matthew Goldstein, chancellor of the City University of New York and Kenneth Chenault, chairman & CEO of American Express, who will both serve as regional co-chairs. The regional council will coordinate the economic development of Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens and Richmond counties.
“Today we are taking a new approach to economic development that will send a clear message that New York is open for business,” Cuomo said during the July 29 announcement. “For too long, one-size-fits-all economic development plans have ignored the unique assets and challenges of regions like New York City. With the regional councils, we will empower individual areas to chart their own course for job creation and growth.”
The state’s current economic development efforts are managed through dozens of separate state and local agencies. The regional councils will now bring together stakeholders in every region of the state to serve as a coordinated point of contact for economic development. Each regional council will be chaired by Lieutenant Governor Robert Duffy and will be led by two regional co-chairs from the business and academic communities. Additional membership is comprised of local leaders from business, academia, labor, agriculture, nonprofits and community-based organizations.
“With the launch of the Regional Councils, we are transforming the state’s approach to economic development,” said the governor. “For the first time ever, regions will compete for up to one billion dollars in economic development aid to help support the plans for their own economic future. The plans the councils begin to develop this week will chart a course for growth and job creation for each region and for all New Yorkers.”