Occupiers, socialists and progressives believe that the disparity of wealth and incomes in our society is the result of a nefarious conspiracy, and that the role of government is to equalize incomes so we can all live like Bill Gates and Donald Trump.
They are oblivious to the fact that the government can redistribute only that which it first must take from someone else; in effect – whatever one person receives without working, another person must work for without receiving. If such a claim on property is permitted and sanctioned, however small and seemingly insignificant, the sanctity of private property has been abrogated. This paradigm of “social justice” is antithetical to the rights codified in the Constitution. But that is of little concern to the protestors, because to them, private wealth is community property.
In fact, the government has been redistributing our property for the past 50 years. Latest statistics confirm 45.8 million people rely on food stamps at a cost of $6.13 billion, and over 26 million received nearly $59 billion in Earned Income Tax Credit. When you add in persons receiving housing and rent subsidies and the 50 percent of the population that pay no taxes, it is evident half the population is subsidizing the other half.
We are running out of other peoples’ money and must borrow 42 cents of every dollar we spend, yet we express more concern about the rights and the comfort of those who seek to appropriate, redistribute and spend even more of our money.
Have we abandoned reason and common sense? Will we capitulate and surrender our liberties to a mob promoting revolution and adoption of a new world order of global feudalism?