With gas prices continuing their two month climb in New York City — approaching 2012 highs — the average price for a gallon has risen to $4.23, according to AAA’s Fuel Gauge Report. This is eight cents higher than a week ago and 17 cents higher than a month ago.
One alternative to driving? Public transportation.
But it seems that this too will soon leave your wallet a lot thinner.
According to insiders, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is set to eliminate the seven percent MetroCard bonus – and raise fares on subways and buses from $2.25 to $2.50.
That means a monthly MetroCard would jump from $104 to $109.
The reason behind the hike?
The MTA says it needs a whopping $382 million to balance next year’s budget.
We’re all for MTA improvement projects, but this is ridiculous!
How is the average person supposed to balance his or her budget when costs keeps rising?
Pretty soon we may not earn enough to get to work!
At this point, we say it’s time for the government to step in.
Legislators must either allocate more funding or cap increases.
Either way, in the meantime the Average Joe sure is getting fleeced!