
Laws Boost N. Y. Public Schools

Cmte. Chair Recaps Ed. Legislation

Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, chair of the Standing Committee on Education, announced that she was the lead sponsor on nine pieces of education-related legislation that were signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo during the 2012 legislative session.

The assemblywoman has been chair of the Education Committee for several years, during which she has been an advocate and leader for strengthening schools and supporting education. It is one of the largest committees in the Assembly, with 31 members.

“These bills will help communities throughout the 37th Assembly district, the county of Queens and all of New York State,” said Nolan. “All of these laws advance good public policies for our children and communities and, at the same time, generate cost savings to both schools and taxpayers.”

The following list describes each bill:

– A.6300B, which allows principals in New York City to take a leave of absence to work in charter schools;

– A.7591C, which requires the state Education Department and other state agencies to assure that children from birth through five years of age are prepared for school;

– A.7823B, which allows a school district to distribute a special education student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) by electronic means if they train teachers about the electronic system;

– A.9472 , which allows teachers who are permanent residents to become licensed and teach in a classroom;

– A.9861, which grants New York City the authority to require kindergarten for all five-year olds and allows parents to delay enrollment of their five year old until the following September and exempt students who are home-schooled or attend a nonpublic school;

– A.9906A, which continues New York State’s compliance with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) improvement act of 2004;

– A.10147, which allows boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES) to contract with public libraries;

– A.10205, which allows boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES) to contract with out of state school districts; and

– A.10233, which allows school districts to hold conference days during the last two weeks of August subjected to collective bargaining agreements.