
Parks reveals new images in Rockaway Beach fixup

Parks reveals new images in Rockaway Beach fixup
Rendering courtesy NYC Parks Department
By Steve Mosco

Rockaway residents got their first view of what a post-Hurricane Sandy beachfront could look like when the city Parks Department presented renderings at a community meeting at Beach Channel High School last week.

According to a Parks official, the renderings illustrate replacement structures for infrastructure destroyed by the storm. These include boardwalks, restaurants, lifeguard towers and comfort stations.

Though no cost figures were provided, Parks officials said three “boardwalk islands” providing access to beach facilities and amenities will be created at Beach 86th, 97th and 106th streets, while damaged restroom and lifeguard buildings will be replaced with modular buildings. The exact locations are still being determined.

The department also said it has three requests for proposals out for food stands on the beach as well as kayak and bike rental stands.

Parks officials set May 24 as the target date to reopen the beaches, but parts of Jacob Riis Park and Fort Tilden might remain closed.

Reach reporter Steve Mosco by e-mail at smosco@cnglocal.com or by phone at 718-260-4546.