
Letters to the Editor

Reader: TSA Weapons Policy Idea Is Insane

Dear Editor:

Finally, from our senator, Charles Schumer, a voice of sanity is heard. Our senator has requested that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) reverse its decision to allow airline passengers to carry small knives, baseball bats, golf clubs and other potentially weaponized equipment onto airplanes.

The fact that this proposal be made by the TSA in itself is incredulous. How soon they forget that it has only been now approaching 12 years, since the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on our New York City. This attack perpetuated by men with sharp weapons on airplanes.

Thankfully, because of the vigilance of our federal agencies, New York State agencies and especially our New York City Police Department, our plane travel since then has been safe. Allowing these potential weapons onto our airplanes can only contribute to an atmosphere of great concern for the airplane passengers and crew. The ending of the policy of banning these items has to be with dead seriousness, reconsidered.

The TSA would do well to listen to Senator Schumer.

Maria Thomson

Say MTA Bus Service Can’t Handle Crowds

Dear Editor:

The buses on the Woodhaven Boulevard corridor are too overcrowded and unreliable—and the MTA doesn’t care.

They are hoping the problem will go away. They have increased buses but the buses are still overcrowded and unreliable.

The Rockaway Boulevard bus stop going to Rockaway during rush hour is pushing and shoving. Many people are afraid at this location. People are angry and frustrated. I think people will start to assault each other.

Norman Silverman from the MTA stated the overcrowding will improve after the A train reopens again. Duh!

He said ‘no’ to 24-hour Q52 and Q53 bus service. It costs too much and they have no more resources. One lady spent over $20 dollars to get to Rockaway from Liberty Avenue.

If you miss the last bus at Rockaway Boulevard to Beach 95th Street at night, it can take you over two hours to get home via the Howard Beach bus shuttle through Far Rockaway.

This is amazing and incredible! The MTA doesn’t care. What can we do? Most people are taking the Q52 and Q53 to get home faster. Many people have given up. I’m not sure but I think the Shuttle bus to Far Rockaway is useless. It’s takes too long.

We need to organize constantly. Tell people to contact me at Rowing612@aol.com. Join Queens Public Transit Committee for better public transit. Join any group that will fight for better transit. Contact our elected leaders, media and the MTA to give more service. Don’t give up.

We also need to fight to reopen the old LIRR Rockaway Beach Line and provide better transit options for Queens.

Philip McManus


‘Still A Bargain’ Even For An Extra Dime

Dear Editor:

Regarding “Times Price Up A Dime Next Week” (Mar. 28 issue), the Times Newsweekly is still a bargain.

Newspapers including the Times Newsweekly have to deal with increasing costs for newsprint, delivery and distribution along with reduced advertising revenues and declining readership due to competition from the Internet and other new information sources.

While daily papers’s concentrate on international, national, statewide, business and sports news—weekly newspapers such as Times Newsweekly filll the void for coverage of local community news.

This past year, I’m grateful that the Times Newsweekly has afforded me the opportunity to express my views via your letters to the editor section along with others who may have different opinions on the issues of the day. Thanks to you, an ordinary citizen like myself has the freedom to comment on the actions and legislation of various elected officials at the city, state and federal level.

Public officials are powerful with easy access to taxpayers dollars used on a regular basis to promote their views. This is done via mass mailings of newsletters, news releases, letters to the editor and guest opinion page columns. In many cases, they are produced or ghost written by campaign or office staffers paid for by taxpayers on public time. Ordinary citizens like myself only have the limited ability when we can to find the time and just submit a simple submission.

Local neighbors need to continue supporting the Times Newsweekly. Patronize their advertisers; they provide the necessary revenues to help keep them in business. Let them know you saw their ad. This helps keep our neighbors employed and the local economy growing.

In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone including the Times Newsweekly and others.

Larry Penner

Great Neck

Editor’s note: We are grateful to loyal readers such as Mr. Penner for their constant support of this publication.

Letters from readers are invited and should be sent by regular mail to Times Newsweekly, P.O. Box 860299, Ridgewood, N.Y. 11386- 0299 or by e-mail to info@times newsweekly.com. All letters must be accompanied by the writer’s full name and address, which will be withheld upon request. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters are subject to editing. The opinions expressed in each letter are not necessarily those of the Times Newsweekly or its staff.