
Puddle Problems on Glendale Block

Dear Editor:

About nine years ago, the city repaved my street, 83rd Street in Glendale. They did such a bad job that they caused a buildup of water in my driveway at the curb.

When it rains or snows, or people up the block wash their cars or empty pools, I wind up with a lake in front of my house.

I have been in touch with the following politicians for many years about my problem. They are City Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley, Assemblyman Mike Miller, former Councilman Dennis Gallagher and State Sen. Joseph Addabbo. I also wrote a letter by registered mail to then-Public Advocate Bill de Blasio.

I woud like to know who I am supposed to get in touch with to correct this problem. I called 311 about 20 times and all I get is a confirmation number. If anyone who reads this letter has an answer to my problem, please let me know.

Vincent Femenella

Editor’s note: For situations involving city services such as repaving or drainage issues, we suggest to Mr. Femenella-and others with similar problems-that they call their local community board office. If they have already called 311 with no success, they should provide the community board with the complaint number so the staff may follow up with the city directly. In Glendale, phone Community Board 5 at 1-718-366-1834.

Shelter Study Made A Grave Mistake

Dear Editor:

In the July 10 issue of the Times Newsweekly concerning the proposed shelter in Glendale, there is a paragraph stating, “[Dawn] Scala also pointed out the firm classified nearby cemeteries as open spaces for public recreation.” (“Safe For Homeless,” Front Page, available online at timesnewsweekly.com.)

I have a son, a sister and her husband, a brother and his wife, a mother, father and sister-in-law, plus other relatives and friends buried in St. John Cemetery, close by the proposed shelter.

A Catholic cemetery is a holy place where we bury our loved ones and go there to mourn and honor them. The last thing we want is for people to use these grounds as a recreation center for picnics, kids running over the graves and various other activities. It is not open spaces for public recreation.

It’s hard enough for the communities to absorb 125 families in two stable communities with hard- working people without desecrating our cemeteries. The enormous drain on our resources (water, sewers, transportation, etc.) is an added burden to already overburdened people in our communities.

Somebody should use some common sense to the whole plan. It just won’t work.

Patricia Gallagher
Middle Village

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