With so many students in high school who are constantly misbehaving, which severely disrupts the learning process and causes many teachers to leave the profession, perhaps it is time once again to consider reinstating corporal punishment in the high schools, both public and private.
This method should only be used after every other possible way to get unruly and disruptive students to behave has been exhausted by the teacher and the principal.
If parent-teacher-principal conferences; suspension from classes, sports and other activities; and detention for misbehavior do not change the situation, then and only then, with the written permission of the parents, should a student be paddled and only by the principal with at least one or two other school officials present as witnesses.
It is really a shame that it has come to this, but the disrespect from students is and continues to be a worsening problem, especially in high schools. Parents need to teach values, morals and respect for authority at home to their kids, starting at a young age.
This would certainly help reduce severe disciplinary problems in the schools, especially the high schools.
John Amato
Fresh Meadows