After the American ambassador to South Korea was assaulted last month, a local Korean-American businessman found a way to voice his support for a stronger alliance between the two nations. Bridge Enterprises purchased an ad that’s on display at a bus shelter located on Northern Boulevard eastbound at 149th Street in Flushing denouncing the March 5 slashing of U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert.

According to Han Tai-kyuk (Ted Han) of Bridge Enterprises, the ad is a gesture designed to show a “steady and stable tie” between Korean-Americans and the U.S. government. The area where the ad was posted is home to a large Korean population, “99 percent” of which condemned the act of violence, he added. Lippert — whom President Obama appointed as ambassador to South Korea last October— was sliced across the face and left arm while attending a breakfast forum in Seoul. His attacker — identified as Kim Ki-jong — reportedly is described as a strong Korean nationalist supportive of unifying communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. Han’s ad shows images of Lippert meeting with South Korean President Park Geun-hye days after the incident. Above the pictures is written, in Korean and English, “We stand together as brothers and sisters!”