Parents, teachers and local elected officials celebrated 65 students from P.S./I.S. 119 in Glendale who were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society on Friday, Dec. 11.
These students were recognized for excelling in the classroom, as well as in the community, by posting good grades and doing hours of community service work. During one of their events, the students collected 243 pairs of kids’ pajamas for a local shelter.
At Friday’s ceremony, the honored students lit candles representing the lights of knowledge, scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character — and the core ideals of the National Junior Honor Society.
“You have worked very hard to get here and your opportunities, if you continue to work hard, are limitless,”Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley said.
“I want to say one simple message and that’s thank you,”state Senator Joseph Addabbo said. “As an elected official — I am a member of the Senate Education Committee — you are my inspiration. As we go back to do our work and work with the government up in Albany about educational issues, you become our inspiration to do the work that we do, to fund the programs that we fund, work on policy changes that we work on.”
The students and parents enjoyed a reception after the ceremony.