After 17 years of being a warrior for the disabled, a fighter for funds and superb manager, Jeri Mendelsohn said goodbye to the people she has served so faithfully these many years.
City Councilman Barry Grodenchik, paying tribute to Jeri at the dinner celebration, admitted that he gave $600,000 to the Y because Jeri was such a great advocate for the work being done at her beloved Y and the programs were so unique and well run that he was happy he could do it.
Taking the Y back to financial health and growing its services was the critical leadership Jeri gave to her beloved agency.
She received a standing ovation for multiple minutes from the almost 200 people in attendance at the elegant Glen Head Country Club in Glen Head, New York.
Speaker after speaker and a loving video tribute reminded everyone of her impact at the Y and the respect everyone who worked with her felt.
Although she will remain a consultant, she graciously handed over the baton of leadership to Danielle Ellman who had served as the director of the Forest Hills branch of the Central Queens Y and will now oversee both facilities and the 30 locations in the community where they provide services to people of all ages, from children to seniors.

Foundation gives grants to community groups
For over 15 years, Andrew Koslosky has given out over $4 million, making it his mission to celebrate the life and good works of Josephine Koslosky, keeping alive her life work of helping children achieve their goals through music, art and sports. She had worked for decades with children in East New York.
The Josephine Foundation was born in 2002 and each year since, Andrew has inspired others to help raise money and recognize young people and programs that foster these goals.
It was my pleasure to be present at this year’s gala recognizing dear friend Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello at the Crest Hollow Country Club where recognition awards were also given to 18 deserving people.
A bonus was to see Bill O’Reilly’s son, Spencer, and Ariana Barlas receive the Elaine Agin Award. Grants were given to dozens of groups from all over the city and Long Island. There were a lot of deservedly happy people in the room.