My life has been touched by many friendships. In fact, these relationships have sustained me through the roller coaster ride called life.
One of those cherished relationships is the one I have with Joe and Mary Ann Mattone.
Joe, with the support of MaryAnn have made major impacts on many institutions, such as St. John’s University, Futures in Education, Ozananon Hall, and uncountable more.
I loved Joe’s autobiography and I was in awe reading it because his life is a Horatio Alger story of “rags to riches.” He was focused, and understood the power of a great education.
He found it at St. Johns with his undergraduate and law degrees, which helped steer him toward his success. Now, he’s devoted to helping others get a great education.
Maryann has a heart of gold and will be there if you ever need a friend and has proven herself to be a powerful force in our community.
Both Joe and Maryann continuously give back to both great causes and great friends.