In addition to a rough year for recruiting new members so far, the 104th Precinct Civilian Observation Patrol (104COP) is experiencing yet another hardship regarding its finances.
During the general membership meeting held inside Christ The King High School in Middle Village on Thursday, Aug. 10, President Elizabeth Delacruz discussed the group’s delicate financial troubles and hopeful methods for gaining more support.

The patrol group often uses its funding, provided by Queens legislators, for equipment purposes and reimbursements for volunteers who patrol the streets of Glendale, Delacruz explained. Being limited to only $3,000 this year, the group won’t be able to receive some necessary backpay from their patrols and community service. Almost half of a month’s worth of funds were backlogged and therefore not reimbursed to the drivers, who pay out of pocket for gas.
Delacruz recommended the board consider hosting more fundraising events in light of their financial struggles, such as a community BBQ or another public raffle.
The civilian patrol did experience some success during National Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, Aug. 1, at Juniper Valley Park. Members offered residents a chance to participate in a raffle for a carefully curated gift basket by member Margarete Pratnicki. 104COP was also approached by three residents interested in joining the group, with two already approved to start going out on patrol with existing members.

About $359 dollars were donated thanks to the raffle, along with the sale of customized 104COP T-shirts and a few other smaller items up for grabs. The Glendale Kiwanis Street Fair on Sunday, July 23, was also a success, with approximately $120 made. Altogether, 104COP raised $480 from both events, which was used to pay for this month’s gas vouchers alone.
On a positive note, 104COP assisted in Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar’s rain barrel giveaway event at Forest Park on Sunday, Aug. 6. 104COP Secretary Ronnie Roth said the line for the event began to form at 8 a.m. ahead of the 10 a.m. start time.
Upcoming events for the group include the Glendale Kiwanis Community Day Event on Saturday, Sept. 9, at the Shops at Atlas Park in Glendale. 104COP will also attent the Juniper Valley Park Sept. 11 memorial service.
The 104th Precinct Civilian Observation Patrol is actively seeking new members to volunteer their time. Anyone who’s interested in participating in the group, as the watchful eyes for the greater Glendale community, should reach out to the organization by visiting their website or messaging them on the 104COP Facebook page.