The week began with a great rush of excitement at the annual Dan’s Power Women of the East End event, putting the spotlight on exceptional women who do extraordinary things.
This year, as in years past, we honored women from all walks of life and professions, but the show was stolen by Dawn Amato, a former soldier who became a leader at the nonprofit Paws of War, an organization that trains and places shelter dogs with veterans who suffer from the emotional effects of war. Dawn had us all crying as she told us of her journey, and the help she’s gotten through the use of the uniquely trained dogs that the organization offers for retired soldiers saved her life!
Walking the red carpet has become a great tradition at our events and it was no surprise to see the women rocket it!
From my position behind the podium, I took great joy in seeing the happiness on the faces of the honorees and their friends and family, as well as hearing the loud cheers from the wonderful people who attended, as the women each made their way down the red carpet.
It was a night for the memory books!
Later in the week on Saturday night, my children Josh and Elizabeth created another night of memories in the Hamptons. The Grill Hampton event, held at The Clubhouse in East Hampton, was a knockout success!
As I walked around the grounds greeting people, it was so special to be in a place with positive energy flowing through the air from the hundreds of people in attendance. That energy flew off the charts at the VIP afterparty, where guests were dancing, jumping and singing the night away!

With all that’s going on in the world, how wonderful to have moments of pure pleasure!
Visit to see photos from the Grill Hampton and Power Women events!
One of my joys in being in the news business is to meet great people.
I met Cornelia and Ralph Hines through Federico Verducci three years ago. This week they invited me to the Guild Hall Summer Gala held in a tent near their historic East Hampton property.

Guild Hall is a destination institution that has, for decades, been serving the community as a venue for great artists and programs and is now being enhanced and refurbished. The gala raised money to ensure their future.

The next evening, the Stony Brook Southampton Hospital held a gala under a tent near the hospital to raise money for the expansion of its operations.

I was so happy to see old friends Bill O’Reilly, John and Margo Catsimatidis and Dr. Peter Micholas and make some new friends in the brilliant finance world, John Paulson and Wilbur Ross.

The iconic Colony Hotel in Palm Beach did a “takeover” of the tent, bringing the feel of the hotel by decorating with its umbrellas, bicycles, beach buggies and photos. It was fun to see the staff that makes life so beautiful for me in Palm Beach!
The Hamptons are a whirlwind of activity in the summer, as it should be, with great people raising money for great causes.
On Aug. 26, I’m happy to report I’m being recognized at the Ellen Hermanson Foundation’s Summer Gala. Visit to buy tickets or make a contribution to the cause that helps women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.