
Elmhurst Hospital earns national surgical safety award from leading nursing organization

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NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst’s Perioperative Nursing Team.
Photo courtesy of NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst

NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst has been named a Center for Excellence in Surgical Safety by a prestigious association representing more than 41,000 nurses across the US and abroad.

The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) presented Elmhurst Hospital with its prestigious Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Prevention of RSI Award, recognizing the hospital’s commitment to minimizing the risk of surgical errors and enhancing patient safety.

AORN commended Elmhurst Hospital for its advanced education and training of its surgical team in preventing unintentionally retained surgical items (RSI), which refers to any object unintentionally left in the body after the completion of surgery or other procedures.

Elmhurst Hospital representatives stated on Thursday that the hospital’s designation as a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety signifies that the hospital has successfully completed AORN’s comprehensive, evidence-based program. They noted that the certification showcases that the hospital adopts and implements best practices to ensure the continued safe care of surgical patients.

Elmhurst Hospital has been named a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety.
NYC Health + Hospitals Elmhurst has been named a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety. Photo by Colum Motherway

The hospital said it underwent a “rigorous process” in order to receive the award, making a demonstration to RSI prevention through several key initiatives. Hospital representatives pointed to a comprehensive review and enhancement of existing surgical safety protocols at Elmhurst Hospital in addition to the implementation of standardized procedures for instrument and sponge counting.

Furthermore, all surgical team members received advanced training on the best practices for preventing RSIs. Representatives additionally pointed to creating a culture of open communication at the hospital, ensuring that all team members are empowered to speak up if they have concerns about patient safety.

NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst CEO Dr. Helen Arteaga-Landaverde paid tribute to the hospital’s Periop Nursing Department for achieving national recognition for their efforts to foster a culture of safety at Elmhurst Hospital.

“This recognition as an AORN Center of Excellence validates the hard work and dedication of our surgical nurses and team and shines an amazing light on Elmhurst as we continue to provide the highest quality care to our community,” Arteaga-Landaverde said in a statement.

Joann Gull, chief nursing officer at Elmhurst Hospital, said the award is a testament to the hospital’s commitment to patient safety.

“I am so proud of the Surgical Nursing Teams in the Operating Rooms of the main and in the Labor and Delivery Suite who are committed to patient safety and quality,” Gull said in a statement.

Teresa Pedretti-Ramos, the hospital’s director of nursing for perioperative services, spoke of how the surgical team at Elmhurst Hospital worked for months to achieve the designation as a center of excellence.

“The AORN designation for a Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety in the Prevention of RSI symbolizes the hospital’s commitment to providing high-quality and safe patient care. Everyday, there are challenges in a high-stress environment like the OR. Patient safety in the operating room is paramount,” Pedretti-Ramos said.