Vincent “Vinny” Riso, the senior principal of the Bayside-based construction company the Briarwood Organization, died on Monday, March 17. He was 90 years old.
Vincent and his late brother Raymond were third-generation principals of the Briarwood Organization, which was originally founded by their grandfather, Luigi Riso, in 1912. Originally known as L. Riso and Sons Co. Inc., the name would eventually change to its current name of the Briarwood Organization.
In addition to running a historic business in the Bayside neighborhood, Vincent Riso dedicated much of his life to plenty of civic, charitable and professional causes. As a result of these efforts, he was awarded with the Queens Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award and the East Harlem Community Service Award, as well as being named a St. Mary’s Tribute Honoree.
During his career in construction spanning over 70 years, Vincent was appointed to several housing and construction committees by New York City Mayors Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. He also served as a board member for the New York State Association for Affordable Housing. Additionally, he was a co-founder of the Queens and Bronx Building Association, serving time as its president before becoming a board member there. Vincent was also a representative of the Citizens Housing and Planning Council, as well as the director of St. Mary’s Hospital for Children.
When the Briarwood Organization was preparing to celebrate its 100th anniversary, Vincent said that one of the most rewarding things he found about being in business was the ability to give back to the community. “If feels good to give something back,” Vincent said. “You get back ten times what you give. Just the satisfaction alone is most of it.”