
Community Board 1 launches Ravenswood survey

Community Board 1 launches Ravenswood survey
By Community Board 1

Community Board 1 is launching a community survey to gather input from residents, business owners and other stakeholders in the Ravenswood neighborhood.

Spearheaded by the community board’s Land Use and Zoning Committee, the survey is designed to capture stakeholder thoughts on growth in Ravenswood, concerns about housing, new development, jobs and other issues, as well as express a vision for the future of this area of Astoria.

The western Queens neighborhoods of Greater Astoria and Long Island City have seen a tremendous amount of change and growth in the last several years. Often, as zoning and other changes are proposed, residents feel left out of the process. This survey will help the committee and the community board be responsive to community concerns when proposals are reviewed and ensure that the voice of the community informs the board’s recommendations on future rezoning actions and developments.

The survey will be available online in English, Spanish and Bengali beginning on or about Wednesday, April 4, through Monday, April 30, and will be disseminated via Community Board 1’s website, Facebook page, and Twitter account. Paper surveys will also be available.

Members of the Land Use and Zoning Committee will be visiting civic associations, community groups, and any interested organizations in Ravenswood to disseminate and collect paper surveys. For the sake of this survey, the Ravenswood neighborhood boundaries are Broadway to the north, 39th Avenue to the south, 32nd Street to the east and Vernon Bouleavrd to the west.

Ravenswood stakeholders who are interested in participating in the survey can visit the community board website, www.nyc.gov/queenscb1, where a link will be set up for direct access to the survey. The survey can also be accessed using the mobile codes shown on a flier that will appear in local newspapers and be distributed in the neighborhood.

To request paper copies of the survey, schedule a presentation at a community group site, assist with disseminating the survey, or for more information, please contact the Community Board 1 office at (718) 626-1021 or cb1qsurvey@cb.nyc.gov.

Community Board 1
