
Sunnyside Rapes Cause Political Uproar

"Heaphy ought to get his facts first," Conley said. "Overall crime is down 15 percent from last year and rape is down 45 percent. There is no serial rapist involved in the recent incidences. The police precinct are doing a great job. Theyre working very hard to track down the rapists."
A police spokesman at the 108th precinct reported six rape incidents this year as compared with 11 in 2000. He noted the most recent attacks were on March 21 at 50th Street, between Skillman and 39th St., and on May 6 at 47 St., off Queens Blvd. He said the attackers were different persons, with completely different operating styles.
Heaphy said he spearheaded the neighborhood meeting because "The whole community needs to be involved in this issue. I feel it is important to bring the neighborhood residents together with the police and other professionals quickly to plan how we can prevent these crimes from happening in the future." He said he did not know at this time whether the police would attend.
Heaphy added that he hopes the meeting results in community initiatives that enhance public safety.
When informed of the police data, Heaphy said he welcomed the drop in rape incidences, but nonetheless believed a community meeting was an appropriate response to the expressed concerns of his neighbors.