
Queens public school schedule for 2002-2003


8/26, Monday

The following staff report: Assistant Principals and school-based intermediate supervisors not designated to work an increased work year.

9/2, Monday

Labor Day

9/3, Tuesday

Professional Day – general staff orientation.

Classroom teachers, bilingual teachers in school and community relations, guidance counselors, attendance teachers, psychologists and social workers, laboratory specialists and technicians, school secretaries and educational paraprofessionals report. Employees in titles not listed should consult the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Students will not be in attendance.

9/4, Wednesday

Superintendent’s Conference Day (Regents High Learning Standards). Students will not be in attendance.

9/5, Thursday

School sessions begin for all students. *Early dismissal for kindergarten students only.

9/6, Friday

Early dismissal for kindergarten students only.

9/16, Monday

Yom Kippur — School closed.

9/27, Friday

Staff Development Day. Students will not be in attendance.

10/14, Monday

Columbus Day observed — School closed.

11/5, Tuesday

Election Day. Superintendent Conference Day for all schools (Training for the Regents High Learning Standards and Assessments, and training in school violence prevention and intervention). Students will not be in attendance.

11/11, Monday

Veterans Day — School closed.

11/28, Thursday and 11/29, Friday

Thanksgiving Recess — School closed.

12/13, Friday

Staff Development Day. Students will not be in attendance.

12/23, Monday through 1/1, Wednesday

Winter Recess (including Christmas and New Year's Day).


1/20, Monday

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — School closed.

1/31, Friday

Fall Term ends for high school students. High school students will not be in attendance. All other students are in attendance.

2/3, Monday

Spring Term begins for high school students.

2/17, Monday through 2/21, Friday

Midwinter Recess (including Washington’s Birthday) — School closed.

4/17, Thursday through 4/25, Friday

Spring Recess (including Good Friday, Easter and Passover) — School closed.

5/26, Monday

Memorial Day observed — School closed.

6/5, Thursday

Anniversary Day (Brooklyn and Queens schools closed)

6/26, Thursday

Last day for all students.

Last day for all classroom teachers, bilingual teachers in school and community relations, attendance teachers, psychologists and social workers, laboratory specialists and technicians and last day for paraprofessionals.