When Parking Rules Are Suspended
Parking regulations will be suspended throughout the five boroughs on the following legal and religious holidays during 2004, it was announced by the City Transportation Department.
Holiday Date
New Years Day* January 1
Martin Luther King Jr.s Birthday** January 19
Asian Lunar New Year** January 22
Id al-Adha Three days** February 1-3
Abraham Lincolns Birthday** February 12
George Washingtons Birthday** February 16
Ash Wednesday** February 25
Purim** March 7
Passover (1st and 2nd days)** April 6, 7
Holy Thursday** April 8
Orthodox Holy Thursday** April 8
Good Friday** April 9
Orthodox Good Friday** April 9
Passover (7th and 8th days)** April 12, 13
Solemnity of Ascension** May 20
Shavuot (two days)** May 26, 27
Memorial Day* May 31
Independence Day* July 4
Independence Day observed* July 5
Feast of the Assumption** August 15
Labor Day* September 6
Rosh Hashanah (two days)** September 16, 17
Yom Kippur** September 25
Succoth (1st and 2nd days)** September 30, October 1
Shemini Atzereth** October 7
Simchas Torah** October 8
Columbus Day observed** October 11
All Saints Day** November 1
Election Day** November 2
Veterans Day** November 11
Idul-Fitr (three days)** November 13-15
Thanksgiving Day* November 25
Immaculate Conception** December 8
Christmas Day observed* December 24
Christmas Day* December 25
New Years Day observed* December 31
*Major legal national holidays in which stopping, standing or parking your car are permitted, except at curbs where stopping, standing, or parking rules remain in effect seven days a week (for example, "No Parking Anytime").
**Days in which three-hour alternate-side parking street cleaning rules are suspended. Most street cleaning zones have signs that are marked with a "P" symbol with a broom through it. Also suspended are the special sanitation rules in parking meter zones. However, the parking meter regulations continue to remain in effect.
Source: NYC Department of Transportation