
Tax credits for education

Senator Serphin R. Maltese addressed an audience of supporters at a rally on the steps of the State Capitol last week in support of the Education Tax Credit legislation. More than 5,000 parents and children from throughout the state joined a grassroots movement in support of Maltese’s legislation.
Maltese’s legislation would provide qualified taxpayers, parents and dependents of those students from kindergarten through 12th grade attending elementary and secondary schools, or those receiving home instruction, an annual tax credit of up to $1,500 per dependent or $3,000 per family. The income tax credit would be available to all parents of public, parochial and private schools to assist in meeting educational expenses.
“I am a long-time advocate of ensuring that our children receive the best possible education,” Maltese said. “To do this, we need to foster excellence in our schools, inspire and challenge our students and give parents the assistance they need to make the best possible education choices for their children.”
Cardinal Edward Egan, Governor George Pataki, a coalition of Senators, Assembly members and other supporters of the bill joined Senator Maltese at the rally to support the legislation.
“The Education Tax Credit plan gives assistance directly to parents, giving them more flexibility in managing their child’s education,” Maltese said. “I believe it is an important investment in our future - our children.”