
Law to make schools safer

While education and school funding continue to be big issues throughout the borough, the New York State Senate passed legislation cosponsored by Senator Serphin Maltese to increase penalties for crimes committed on school grounds and help keep children from preschool through their college years safer.
The bill, which has been termed “Suzanne’s Law” to honor State University at Albany student Suzanne Lyall who disappeared eight years ago, is now in the Assembly.
“Anyone who threatens the health, safety and security of the children and teachers in our schools must be punished to the fullest extent possible,” Maltese said. “This legislation strengthens the law and will give parents, teachers and students greater peace of mind that they are in a safer environment.”
The proposed law increases by one level the penalty for the commission of a felony crime that is committed on school grounds.
In addition, the bill also expands the current definition of “school grounds” to include nursery schools, daycare facilities, trade schools, junior colleges, community colleges, colleges, universities, and any other institution of higher education. The bill would also allow, upon the request of any school, for the placing of signs along any highway within school grounds designating the school as an “Assault and Abduction Free School Zone.”
“Our recently-passed budget ensures that our schools and teachers have the resources they need to provide an exceptional system of education for the children of New York State,” Maltese said. “We need to also make sure that students can learn and grow in an atmosphere free of crime and violence. I am hopeful that this bill will put a stop to the alarming persistence of crimes on our school grounds.”