
Weprin finances free summer program

As Chairman of the New York City Council Finance Committee, Councilmember David Weprin played a major role in securing $2.1 million for the Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation. But that wasn't enough. Weprin added another $10,000 from his own discretionary funds to the free summer program for kids between the ages of 6-12 that takes place in 64 sites throughout the city, including 12 in Queens.
&#8220It's for kids that probably wouldn't have gone to camp otherwise,” said Weprin, on hand at P.S. 46 in Bayside to formally announce the grant to the program and distribute awards to each of the 124 participants. &#8220This is one of the only free camps [in the city] and to me that's a tremendous benefit to the community.”
&#8220He's more than a funder,” said Jim O'Neill, the executive director of the Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation. &#8220He's somebody that really wants to see the program work. … He's really a hands-on type of councilman. He's been very interested in supporting programs for young people in his district.”
The 10-year-old program, originating out of Woodside, combines arts and sports, but not the kind of everyday athletics one sees at local playgrounds. This past summer, campers got the opportunity to play rugby, ping pong, field hockey, karate and tennis, taught by professional instructors.
Of the $2.1 million the City Council set aside for the program, Weprin managed to restore $1.6 million into the Foundation's budget and allocate an additional $500,000 in enhancements used to support the Middle School Fitness League, the Winter Festival and free summer camps held at public schools throughout the City.