
IT’S ONLY MY OPINION: Donald, Rosie…you’re both right

By Stanley Gershbein

Do you remember the wonderful scene in “Fiddler On The Roof” where Tevya is listening to a debate by two Rabbis? After one Rabbi makes a statement Tevya says, “You’re right.” The second Rabbi offers an opposing argument. Tevya looks at him and says, “You’re right.” Rabbi number three listening to this says, “Wait a minute. They can’t BOTH be right.” “You know,” Tevya says. “You’re right too.” Ok, gang. Is it possible to listen to two sides of a stirring debate and feel that they are both correct? Let’s go to the videotape. In this corner we have Rosie whose big mouth let us know that she disagreed with Donald Trump and his sympathy for the troubled Miss USA, Tara Connor. Rosie does not believe that Tara deserves a second chance. She’s right. Then she went on and made it personal by mocking the Donald. “….left his first wife … had an affair… had kids both times , but he’s the moral compass for twenty year olds in America.” In the other corner we have Donald with the Dollars firing back, “Disgraceful….. a loser. Her magazine failed. The ratings for her show were terrible. They basically threw her off the air. ….She makes false statements… a bully…. She sucker punches people….” He’s right. And from Ms. O’Donnell’s corner – “Miss America is the prestige. Miss USA is a different thing. It’s basically a model competition. Let’s be realistic.” She’s right. And the response from Mr. Trump – “She talked about the Miss USA contest, which has terrific ratings on NBC. Miss America got thrown off network television. It’s on cable where nobody watches it.” And he’s right. Hey, Gershbein. How can they both be right? In the words of Tevya, “You know. You’re right too.” Ok, my friends. Who do YOU think is right? The question on Vote.com was TRUMP VS. ROSE: WHO SHOULD WIN? With more than seventeen thousand three hundred people responding, over fifteen thousand six hundred of them gave Rosie a thumbs down. About 90% sided with the Donald. They, no doubt, believe as I believe that Rosie could have offered her feelings on the Miss USA situation without her stupidly personal insults. That sus scrofa thought her poor imitation of Trump was entertaining. It wasn’t. The vote was as lop-sided as his toupee. What’s your thinking on this? ******** Even with Perky Kerky and her mega-million dollar contract, CBS News continues to be number three. I wonder why. ******** Ever since “March Of The Penguins” won the Academy Award for the Best Documentary we have been inundated with penguins. It’s penguins everywhere…. In department store displays, soft drink advertisements, shoe stores, animated movies, malls, and insurance company commercials. What’s next? Another penguin flick will hit the big screen sometime this year. A few years ago when the hit flick “101 Dalmatians” was hot, Dalmatians became the pet of choice. Now that “Happy Feet” is the happy flick, will there be a way to buy baby penguins as a pet? Beats me? If it was possible to buy one at the pet shop, would you? I don’t know about that but I do know that if penguins were listed on the New York Stock Exchange I’d be investing. ******** In spite of all the griping, bellyaching, moaning, whining and complaining about Wal-Mart, sales of the company, along with the company itself, continue to grow. America loves to shop there. I frequently drive miles out of my way for the great selections, fair prices, affordable prescriptions, sensational service and a full guarantee. I’m not the only one. Right now Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retailer and the second largest corporation. And No! I don’t own stock in WMT. I wish I did. Ok. Let’s see how much you know. Wal-Mart is number two. What corporation is the largest? If you said Exxon Mobil you can take what’s behind door number three or you can return next week to try for a larger prize. ******** Right after New Years I received an Email from Mrs. Liesbeth Wouter of The Netherlands informing me that if I send her the information that she wants – bank numbers, social security number, credit card verifications, etc. – I would be the winner of some lottery that I never entered. She wants to send me 350,000 Euros. Three days later Mr. Dean Costeran, also of The Netherlands, chose me as the recipient of a 40% share of the sum of fifteen million U.S. dollars. That’s only if I comply with his request for information about my bank, my credit cards, my personal finances, and more yada, yada, yada. Six million for me? That’s more like it. On January tenth, Mr. Rio-Santos of Madrid Spain emailed me a message under the title “URGENT”. I just won $785,000 in something called LOTERIA PRIMITIVA. Chicken feed. I like the guy from Holland better. January 18th, an Email under the subject CONGRATULATIONS informed me that I am to contact Raul Jose Mendez if I want to collect eight hundred and eighty-nine thousand euros – again with the euros – my share of the Summerset International Lottery Award, another lottery in Madrid, Spain, that I never entered. Another four Emails with similar messages worth a grand total of another five million dollars arrived this past week. I don’t know how they find me but I’m glad they do. The year is not even one month old and already I am so wealthy. I am STANGERSHBEIN@BELLSOUTH.NET wondering if you are as lucky as I am. ******** All letters and Emails are the property of this newspaper and may be published. For verification purposes all correspondence must contain your real name, address and telephone number.