
10 Tips For A Spirit-Wise Autumn

Fall began on September 23rd at 5:52am and its announcement on radio and TV were the vestiges of the celebration of a Pagan holiday…the commencement of sun’s journey through the air sign of balance, Libra.
Each year, media announcements celebrate various astrological events marking the start of seasons. At spring, the Vernal Equinox (equal amounts of day and night) denotes the sun entering the first astrological sign, fiery Aries. It commences the natural zodiacal year.
The longest amount of daylight comes when the sun enters the water sign Cancer called the Summer Solstice. In December, the Winter Solstice marks the shortest amount of daylight and the sun’s entrance into the earth sign Capricorn. The four signs above, called the cardinal signs, are the most powerful of the zodiac.
This year, fall—the Autumnal Equinox (equal amounts of day and night)—was followed by the Harvest Moon on September 26th making for a fortuitous time worth noting.
Tuning into empowering rays from the sun can have an energizing effect for the hectic back-to-school period as well as the holidays ahead. By fine-tuning yourself as a living organism you can store that little extra push, wake up your senses and completely enjoy yourself in the process.

Here are 10 ways to have a spirit-wise fall

Connect with real water
Enjoy a lake, river, ocean or simply take pleasure in being rain-soaked. Life began in the water and our bodies are composed of 90% water. Relating to real water is a primal connection with the larger world. One of life’s great pleasures is the experience of skinny-dipping after dark in the moonlight feeling the silky, real water caress your skin. While it sounds racy, it’s a wholesome, spiritual thing to do.

Create a memorable evening by taking your picnic blanket to a hill on a clear night and gaze up into the universe. There it is in all its majesty: the sky. Like the water, it unites us with ancient peoples in faraway times. For more information on the constellations, Google “Visible Fall Constellations Northern Hemisphere.”

Turn off the TV and make the break
Enjoy the extra space and time. Beware: enforce this on your children and art supplies will be in demand. However, within a week, there will be surprising behavioral changes.

Think about your spring garden
Fall is the right time to transplant many plants, but Google the variety for best results. Also, decisions about creating spring’s vibrant colors need to be made now and acted upon. Grab a plant catalog or try: www.Brecks.com. Gardeners intimately know the healing power of nature.

Take a meaningful workshop
Life’s pulse seems to increase with many groups and school offerings. Pick one or two.

Walk barefoot
As the saying goes, “Place your feet upon the Earth and through this simple act your spirit is connected to the universe.” Seeing yourself as a vessel through which the energy from sun and the earth connect is awesome.

Holiday shop
Take advantage of sales, wider selections and no crowds while you can select, not grab, the right gift.

Hug a tree or just sit and relate to it
Meet someone you love under it. Eat a ripe fruit grown from it. Simply thank the person who planted it as a gesture of sublime gratitude. Gratitude is always spiritually enriching.

Light candles
Like water, fire is a very healing, primal force.

Read a book of depth
Grow and deepen as a spiritual being having the human experience. Remember, “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars.”

Life’s deepest riches are always much simpler than we think.

Irene A. Masiello is a certified holistic/CORE counselor, adult educator and stress management consultant. Her inter-active book, PARADISE COSTS, chronicles an ensuing spiritual crisis after her father, a victim of elder abuse and exploitation, was seized from his family and died under suspicious circumstances. She became an elder advocate and a member of the Elder Justice Coalition as a result of this tragedy. PARADISE COSTS, written in her innovative reality writing format, takes readers on a compelling journey of awareness and to both Houses of Congress in support of the Elder Justice Act. Contact her at 718-776-5644 or at irenemasiello@msn.com to arrange a talk or book signing for your group.