
Wait a Bloomberg minute

Charles Gibson (who moderated last Saturday night’s back-to-back Democratic and Republican presidential debates in Manchester, NH) mentioned that one out of ten candidates there (six Republicans and four Democrats) would be our next President … But what about Mayor Michael Bloomberg?
Victor Maltsev
Rego Park

Mayor Mike should run!
I would like say I do believe Mayor Mike Bloomberg has what it takes for a run for the White House. He has the money, experience, and national exposure not to mention a record of achievements in the city of New York.
Moreover, I believe he has the heart and the love of this great nation and its people. He wants to make a difference and make this a better nation by helping solve some of its problems.
Additionally, as an independent candidate, he does not have to please any special interest groups that may not have the best interest of America at heart. He only wants to serve the American people and that is his mission.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Bring the troops home!
It has been four years since the United States invaded Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship. Since that time, more than 3,000 service men and women have lost their lives fighting over there to protect our country. The situation has gotten totally out of control, and despite that, our illustrious leader, George W. Bush, will never utter the words, which really describe the situation - Civil War.
Iraq will never be a stable democracy - it will probably end up being carved into several different areas, with no real stability. Our service members are true heros - our thanks go out them for risking and giving their lives for our country.
But, now is the time for reality to set in - President Bush, bring our troops home - no more war, no more bloodshed, no more killing of our troops and innocent civilians over there.
John Amato
Fresh Meadows

Honor victims of 9/11
The recent dispute between retired NYPD Officer Arno Herwith and the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles over his request for a vanity license plate saying “GETOSAMA” which was denied by DMV as being “offensive,” got a lot of attention.
Herwith now suggests that DMV issue a license plate honoring the victims of 9/11. I think this is long overdue, and I have sponsored legislation to make such a memoriam a reality in New York State.
My legislation would direct DMV to create such a plate and drivers would pay $25 for the plates, with $20 of the purchase price being used to establish a scholarship fund for the children of 9/11 families.
This legislation passed in both the Assembly and the Senate by wide margins in 2006, and was for reasons that are still incomprehensible to me, vetoed by Governor Pataki.
The legislation has been reintroduced and we will seek to bring it to a vote in both houses in the legislative session beginning next month, and then forward it to Governor Spitzer (assuming its passage) to be signed into law.
This legislation is designated A-2069A in the Assembly, and S939A in the Senate. I would urge New Yorkers who agree that this is a small but fitting tribute to the victims of our greatest domestic tragedy contact their state legislators, as well as Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno and Governor Spitzer to make sure that this legislation becomes law in the upcoming session.
William Scarborough
Assemblyman, 29th A.D.

Information Gap
Anyone who reads the papers or watches the local news knows the Long Island Rail Road has a platform gap problem. How did that problem come about?
The “gap” wasn’t a real problem prior to the introduction of the new Bombardier M7 cars. I do not remember “gap” problems reported in the news with the previous Budd M1/M3 cars. In addition, the dark gray electric cars that were used prior to the M1’s, [I do not recall their designation], came right up to the platform.
There is a design issue here in these new Bombardier cars.
First, they are clearly a few inches narrower - making for a larger gap. Second, the doors appear closer to the center of the cars (making for an even larger gap at station platforms with an “inside curve”).
Somebody at the LIRR, whose salary is paid by my taxes, approved these design specifications. I would like to know whom? And why?
Who decided that a 10” gap was acceptable and safe?
Who decided it was okay to build the new cars to different size specs from the M1/M3’s without also changing the station platform specs?
The LIRR’s station platforms have been around a long time.
This gap problem is new. It seems to have begun around the same time as the implementation of the Bombardier M7’s. Is anyone looking at this coincidence?
Martin Levinson
Forest Hills

Greenhouse laws laughable
Recent legislation introduced in the NYC Council for municipal government to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions was laughable. This is just one of a steady stream of absurd and irrelevant legislation introduced by term-limited Councilmembers looking for some free publicity for their 2009 campaigns to move up to another public office.
Members of our own local “Greatest Show on Earth” circus could set their own example by personally contributing to a cleaner environment. Stop introducing all their hot air by suspending insane legislation and debate on irrelevant issues.
Perhaps Environmental Protection Commissioner Emily Lloyd can assign an inspector to police future Council meetings for verbal pollution. Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Finance Committee Chairperson David Weprin and colleagues could go out, buy and use at their own expense - a MetroCard to travel around town rather than using a staff member, paid for at taxpayers’ expense, to chauffeur them.
Larry Penner
Great Neck

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