
Queens Courier fan

Bravo Courier, for your 3/20/08 editorial, Domestic Violence Bill Closes Loopholes. I praise Mayor Bloomberg (and some City Councilmembers) for their fine efforts.
On April 23, 2007, my 27-year-old niece, Erika Delia, was shot in the back of her head and killed by her ex-boyfriend (against whom she held an order of protection which she had obtained just a month before). He then shot and killed himself. Period. Is that it? No, some things about orders of protection have drastically got to change and Mayor Bloomberg and the City Councilmembers are on the right track.
Since that fateful day, I have learned of two bills, S4796 (sponsored by Senators Andrew Lanza, Serphin Maltese, Frank Padavan (and other Senators), and Assembly bill A5424 sponsored by Felix Ortiz. Both bills are similar in that they suggest, in cases of orders of protection, certain individuals wear electronic monitoring devices.
At this time, there will be a May 6 press conference in Albany with Felix Ortiz, myself and members of the Senate and Assembly, and invited officials such as our new Governor David Paterson, Mayor Bloomberg and house leaders Joseph Bruno and Sheldon Silver to try to get passage of these bills or Erika’s Law, as our family calls it..
I once said “domestic violence” could not happen to my family. It did. We once said September 11, 2001 could not happen to our city. It did. Now we must use our vision and efforts to protect all individuals from such catastrophic circumstances and it must begin with our elected officials.
Dolores Maddis
Rego Park

Domestic violence must stop
It was sad to read that retired police sergeant Raymond Sheehan was shot and killed by his wife, Barbara in Howard Beach. Now Barbara Sheehan alleged she was abused by her husband, which I found quite troubling.
As reported, Ann Jawin, founder of the Center for Women of New York said, “You can only imagine the depths of fear and despair she had.” Now on that I think most of us must agree. If you look at the statistics on domestic violence, you will find this situation multiplied many times over. The problem is many women do not know where to go or else deathly afraid to leave.
According to the web site, www.endabuse.org, there are estimates ranging from 960,000 to 3 million incidents of violence against a current or former spouse or partner per year. In 2000 there were 1,247 women murdered by their intimate partner.
This has to stop and I believe education and public service announcements are part of the answer coupled with concerned citizens who see domestic abuse taking place getting involved. I praise The Queens Courier for giving women a list of where to go for help and I hope other publications do the same.
Frederick R. Bedell

Liar, liar?
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s aides said the Senator had misspoken concerning the fact she was under fire in ’96 in Bosnia. Maybe another word would be she lied, you think? I believe, like others, that her original statement is an insult to all service men and women who really were (and continue to be) under fire.
As William Shakespeare said in one of his plays, “What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Well this truly applies to Senator Clinton concerning this bogus statement.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Future shock
The most important reason to put congestion pricing into effect is that when the price of gasoline rises to $5 or $10 per gallon, demand for mass transit services will increase substantially. Those extra investments in subway and bus infrastructure must be made well in advance, and congestion pricing revenues can fund them. Complaints about an $8 fee make sense today, but profound changes in energy fundamentals unfolding now will make those concerns seem quaint.
The current rise of oil prices to over $110 per barrel is not an anomaly. World oil production is expected to peak and begin permanent decline by 2015 or earlier, so gasoline prices will be increasingly volatile and will tend to become much more expensive.
Building on New York City’s PlaNYC 2030, the Sierra Club NYC report, “Sustainable Energy Independence for NYC,” prepares for local effects of sharply higher fuel prices. Endorsed by nearly 20 local groups, including NY Apollo Alliance, its primary request is for city officials to convene an Energy Volatility Task Force to study future energy price and supply scenarios, as has been done by San Francisco, CA and Portland, OR. What do you think we will be paying for gasoline in ten years? Shouldn’t we - and our elected officials - plan ahead? Download the report at www.beyondoilnyc.org.
Dan Miner
Sierra Club NYC, Chair
Forest Hills

Rotten shame
I would like to know why the city has let the former fairgrounds for two World’s Fairs at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park slowly decay. Not only are these structures historic, they are the first thing many people visiting New York see on the road from the airports.
The state of these structures is an abomination. The city recently built a recreation facility and pool in the park and is renovating the ice rink, but what is being done to rescue the former restaurant in the sky and other historic structures?
Cheryl Hordon

Letters To The Editor
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