Cub Scouts from Pack 390 had an awards ceremony recently in the gymnasium of Saint Theresa Roman Catholic Church in Woodside, where they meet weekly.
Presiding over the ceremonies were members of their sponsoring organization, the John V. Daniels Jr. Post No. 2813 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), represented by (left to right) Scoutmaster Marvin Jeffcoat, Post Quartermaster George Custance and past Post Commander William (Guadalcanal Bill) Clausman.
Clausman addressed the Cubs and Parents, reflecting on how the skills he learned as a young Scout served him well in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II and encouraged them to continue in service to the community.
The awardees included: Joseph Mennicucci - Bobcat Badge and Immediate Recognition Emblem; Nathaniel Tortorelli - Bobcat Badge; Joseph Nero - Bobcat Badge; Joshua Lopez - Wolf Badge; Daniel Carlson - Wolf Badge; Fermino Jeffcoat - Bear Badge and Tom Callahan - Bear Badge.
After the ceremony there was a pizza party, supplied as it should be, by Quartermaster Custance on behalf of the VFW post.