
Ulrich applauds Bloomberg plan for charter schools

“New York’s school system got a big boost this weekend from Mayor Bloomberg, and I am delighted he and Bishop DiMarzio are working together to find a creative solution to prevent school closings in the Diocese of Brooklyn,” said City Council candidate Eric Ulrich. “It makes no sense that while City schools are bulging at the seams, with thousands of students studying in trailers, New York’s Catholic schools are closing, only to further burden public school enrollment.”
Ulrich, who was born, raised, educated and continues to reside in Ozone Park, is running on a platform of “People First, Not Politics” for the 32nd District. “The Mayor’s plan is exactly the kind of creative, thinking ‘outside the box,’ and putting politics aside kind of leadership I have been advocating during this campaign, and I am happy to stand with him on this issue,” said Ulrich. The “non-partisan” special election will occur Tuesday, February 24.
“Mayoral control, with parent input, has markedly begun the long road to improve New York City’s once-prized school system,” Ulrich noted, “and I believe in the competitive nature of ‘Charter Schools’ to improve all schools.”