
National Council of Jewish Women Lakeville Section

On May 6 we will join our Long Island section in honoring the women of the year. We will be honoring our own member, Bernice Smaller. The luncheon will be held at Temple Avoda at a charge of $36. Call Lila Weber at 718-225-7706.

 We have tickets on May 30 for “The Producers,” performed by a professional cast at The Herricks Community Center at the cost of $20. Our group will meet for brunch at The Omega Diner. Call Ruth Kaplan at 718-343-9029 to join us.

 On Sunday, May 17 Season Singles is meeting at The Scobee Diner at 11:30 a.m. for brunch on their own and then on to Queens College where we have free tickets to a concert given by talented young people. Call Ruth Kaplan at 718-343-9029 to join us.

 A call to Ruth will also give you information on a trip to the Bartow-Pell mansion with lunch at City Island and a docent-led tour at $40 per person or $45 for non-members on June 7.

 All of our activities are planned for our members. However, if there is room available we will be happy to accommodate our neighbors and friends.