
Becoming an Optimist and Finding Happiness NOW!

After many months of saving it on my DVR, I finally watched Michael J. Fox’s show on being an optimist based on his book entitled “Always Looking Up: Adventures of an Incurable Optimist.”  Michael is quite an inspiration. He has taken adversity and turned it into a blessing, not just in his own life but also in the lives of others, as he works tirelessly for a cure for Parkinson’s disease and for the growth of optimism in our society.

I have always been an optimist to a large degree. I jump into things that feel right 1,000 percent and believe in every ounce of my soul that they will work out. I do not give up. Moreover, I am a major cheerleader for others.

I believe that success, at whatever it is you desire, is absolutely attainable and that the three greatest factors in attaining it are: clarity, belief and action.

Michael discussed five commonalities of optimists and I would agree that these “steps” would get you closer to the optimism, happiness and success that may currently elude you.

Be open to alternatives in the face of adversity – how many times have you tried something and given up when it didn’t work? You may assume that the obstacle in front of you is permanent, but it is not and optimists know this. Learn from what did not work and let it fuel your resolve to try another way to attain your goal. Never give up.

Adversity is not the universe’s way of saying “no,” it’s the universes way of saying “Not that way. Try again!”

Deal with reality head on – this is key.

One cannot overcome obstacles if one is unwilling to acknowledge them. The first step in my coaching is to look honestly at what you are doing that does NOT work. It is the only way that you can change for the better. Most of your journey to change will be in uncovering the ugly reality, having the courage to see it honestly and then taking action to do things differently.

Hope flourishes in groups – you may have heard me say this before but it bears repeating. If you want to understand your success or lack of it, look around you. It will be reflected in the company you choose to keep.

The saying ‘misery loves company’ is as true as ‘hope loves company.’ The more you spend time with people who uplift you, the happier you will be. Where you can choose whom you spend time with, do so and take it VERY seriously, because it will determine your own level of happiness.

Happiness resonates when people are doing what they love – this is so true. It’s really hard to be happy and optimistic when you spend most of your day and life doing something that you don’t love and it’s virtually impossible to be happy when your life is filled with things you don’t love.

I know there is a reality to making money and sometimes one has to do things they do not love to make ends meet, but too many people are complacent with never even looking for what they love. The possibility of doing what you love when you don’t even know what it is, is 0 percent so make a commitment to find what it is that you love and then find a way to do it!

Happiness is contagious. I encourage you to give your happiness out to others freely. Make the choice to smile, make eye contact and be kind to people on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute basis. Happiness is not only contagious to others but to yourself. When you choose to be happy and share it with others, it grows within you too. The more you give it, the more you have to give. It is just like love.

I know these times are tough. So many of you are facing many challenges but we must find a way to be happy and hopeful in spite of current circumstances. Circumstances are temporary. Happiness and optimism are eternal.

Much love to you,
