
City schools must be sanitary, but not just to fight swine flu

Your Sept. 3 Web article “Bloomberg’s plan for swine flu includes vaccine, open schools” gave detailed reporting on what city public schools are planning in readiness for a possible swin flu outbreak. It said school nurses were being trained and may even need to administer the preventative vaccine in schools.

It would seem city schools are willing to go full out in prevention, but we find some hypocrisy in their concern and actions. Five years ago, when some of us parents tried to change the policy on student hand-washing before lunch, we were told it was impossible to have all children wash their hands before eating.

The response from one school was that it would create chaos to have 1,400 children use eight sinks as they line up for lunch. The math of 1,400 students divided by eight sinks has not changed.

Let’s see how they sidestep this dilemma under Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

K.F. Hudson
