
Right law firm for small businesses

Demonstrating expertise in litigation, employer counseling and development of employment polices and procedures, the attorneys at the law firm of Stephen D. Hans & Associates, P.C. ensure that the legal needs of smaller companies do not get lost in the shuffle as they might at larger, more expensive firms.

Stephen D. Hans & Associates, P.C. offers affordable legal representation and flexible billing options for small businesses facing the unfortunate realities of costly employment-related litigation. Employment lawsuits and investigations can cause businesses undue stress and can harm the company’s output and bottom line.

Employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs often file a variety of lawsuits against their employers, including discrimination claims, wage and hour claims and many other types of cases. Given the small profit margin that most small and mid-sized businesses operate on, these types of lawsuits can be devastating.

If you are the owner of a small or mid-sized business and need representation regarding an employment issue, you should chose a firm that understands employment law and can respond in an effective and expedient manner.

Over the years, Stephen D. Hans & Associates, P.C. has represented countless restaurants, construction companies, car washes, retail stores and other types of businesses in wage and hour investigations and enforcement proceedings. Hans has provided commentary on Court TV, as well as Bill O’Reilly’s show.

Hans believes that employers should try to avoid these costly employment-related legal troubles, by arranging for a comprehensive review of their payroll, record-keeping procedures and general employment policies by an experienced employment attorney. Making small but important changes can help a small business avoid and/or minimize its liability in the event of an employment-related investigation or employee litigation.

Being proactive about employment law compliance can save your business copious amounts of money in legal fees. You can start by joining Stephen D. Hans & Associates, P.C. as they present one of their free employment law seminars for business owners, managers and decision makers.

These events are held regularly at their offices in Long Island City, located at 45-18 Court Square, Suite 403 (across from the Citibank building). Upcoming seminars are scheduled for April 14 and May 18 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. To R.S.V.P., call Leila Lewis at 917-620-5364 or email her at Leila@hansassociates.com.

If you are a small or mid-sized business owner facing an employment lawsuit or investigation or if you need help avoiding costly and distracting employment-related legal disputes, call Stephen D. Hans & Associates at 718-275-6700 or email them at info@hansassociates.com to schedule a consultation.