
Miss USA returns to Jackson Heights

What is your body’s largest organ?

That was the million dollar question posed to Miss USA, Rima Fakih, in a round of “Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?” at her former elementary school, P.S. 69.

Cheers rose from the two hundred fifth graders in the audience when she gave the correct answer: the skin.

The game was hosted by Fakih’s actual fifth grade history teacher, Mrs. Cregan, in preparation for Fakih’s anticipated appearance on the hit TV show in July. The trivia game is split into ten categories, with questions on topics ranging from earth science to math and grammar.

The first Arab-American to be crowned Miss USA, the 24 year old history-maker will be raising funds for Gilda’s Club, the largest provider of psychosocial cancer support worldwide. “[Gilda’s Club] gives back directly to those who are sick,” said Fakih. “[The members] can be themselves. They can relax and enjoy their lives.”

Although she now lives in Michigan, Miss USA hasn’t forgotten Queens. “The smell was still the same,” she said. “No matter how long it’s been, you always remember your elementary school.” Among her childhood memories are class trips to Flushing Meadows-Corona Park and Shea Stadium, where she watched her first Mets game. Fakih moved to 76th Street in Jackson Heights when she was eight years old.

In between jokes about being called “Shorty” at school, Fakih stressed the importance of knowledge to her young audience. “A college education will carry you a long way,” she told them. A graduate of the University of Michigan-Dearborn with degrees in economics and business management, Fakih hopes to attend law school after her year-long reign.

While the class trips haven’t changed, Fakih was happy to note signs of improvement at P.S. 69. “I love the fact that [the students] have uniforms,” said Fakih, who remembers having no such luxuries as a young girl. However, the children were enough to brighten her day. “It was great seeing their faces. It was a great feeling.”

To prepare for the show, Fakih is reviewing 5th grade textbooks and concentrating on subjects that she hasn’t encountered in a long time, such as social studies. She also keeps in touch with her 13- and 9-year-old-cousins.

So what was Miss USA’s favorite subject in elementary school? “Math and recess,” she said.