SPRITUAL LEADER: Reverend Monsignor Alfred LoPinto
LOCATION YEARS: St. Helen Church was established in 1960 and is a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn. This year they are celebrating 50 years.
CONGRESSIONAL SIZE: Approximately 3,500 families.
CONGREGATION UNIQUENESS: Along with the St. Helen Church, there is also St. Helen’s Grammar School, with approximately 250 students, ranging in age from pre-school to 8th graders. St. Helen’s School of Religion has approximately 325 children from the 1st grade to 8th grade.
MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT OF SERVICE: The most memorable moments at St. Helen Church are those times of celebration, such as Easter or Christmas.
LARGEST TURNOUT: St. Helen has nearly 3,000 participants in the Mass on Christmas and Easter.
WORDS OF INSPIRATION: “We See Christ in All.”
MOST POPULAR GATERHING SPOT: The Church is the most popular area where members of the congregation gather.
UPCOMING EVENT: The Church is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The end of June is the final week of the celebration festivities. Monday, June 20 is a dinner and dance; Wednesday, June 22 through Sunday, June 26 is a feast; and Sunday, June 26 at 3 p.m. is the closing Mass for the anniversary. All events are held at St. Helen Church and all members of the congregation are welcome to attend.
Service hours: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7 a.m. AND 9 p.m. MASS
SATURDAY 9 a.m. AND 5 p.m. MASS
SUNDAY 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. MASS
(718) 738 1616