
Three Confess to the Fatal Stabbing of Good Samaritan

Victim Stopped Attack Of A Woman

Three Far Rockaway men variously pleaded guilty to manslaughter and gang assault as their trial was set to begin in the July 4, 2010, deadly attack on a Good Samaritan who attempted to halt the defendants’ attack on a transsexual woman.

They were identified by Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown as Daryl Reid, 24, of Ocean Crest Boulevard; Terril Pinnock, 22, of Seagirt Boulevard; and Jahvaughn Garrison, 23, of Beach 19th Street, all in Far Rockaway.

Reid pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter on June 8 before Queens Supreme Court Justice Richard L. Buchter who indicated he would sentence him to a determinate term of 18 years in prison on June 29.

Pinnock and Garrison each pleaded guilty to first-degree gang assault on June 7 and June 8, respectively, before Justice Buchter, who indicated he would sentence each of the defendants to a determinate term of 6 1/2 years in prison on July 30.

“The victim in this case-a 49- year-old man-bravely attempted to stop an injustice and paid for it dearly,” Brown said. “Now the defendants have admitted their guilt and will serve lengthy prison sentences. These dispositions are a measure of justice for the victim.”

In pleading guilty, the defendants admitted that on July 4, 2010, they assaulted a woman in the vicinity of New Haven Avenue and Beach 21st Street because she is a transsexual. She suffered a slight cut to one of her fingers and was able to escape due to the intervention of Richard Salter, 49, who demanded that the defendants leave DeWitt alone.

Minutes later, after everyone left the scene, the defendants again observed Salter in the vicinity of Beach 20th Street and attacked him. Pinnock and Garrison admitted to punching and kicking Salter; Reid admitted to pulling out a knife and stabbing him once in the thigh and once in the buttocks.

The thigh injury nicked Salter’s femoral artery and he bled to death on a nearby stoop after fleeing the attack.

Senior Assistant District Attorney Patrick L. O’Connor of the District Attorney’s Homicide Trials Bureau prosecuted the case under the supervision of Assistant District Attorneys Brad A. Leventhal, bureau chief, and Jack Warsawsky, deputy bureau chief, and the overall supervision of Executive Assistant District Attorney for Major Crimes Charles A. Testagrossa and Deputy Executive Assistant District Attorney for Major Crimes Daniel A. Saunders.