
Election Guide: Citywide Offices

Election Guide: Citywide Offices

Fifteen candidates will be on the ballot for mayor Tuesday.

Bill de Blasio is running with the Democratic Party; Adolfo Carrión Jr. with the Independence Party; Randy Credico with the Tax Wall Street Party; Michael Dilger with the Flourish Party; Dan Fein with the Socialist Worker Party; Michael Greys with the Freedom Party; Jack Hidary with the Common Sense and Jobs & Education parties; Joseph Lhota with the Republican, Conservative, Students First and Taxes 2 High parties; Jimmy McMillan with the Rent is 2 Damn High Party; Joseph Melaragno with the Affordable Tmrw Party; Carl Person with the Reform Party; Erick Salgado with the School Choice Party; Michael Sanchez with the Libertarian Party; and Sam Sloan with the War Veteran Party.

Eight candidates will be competing for the public advocate’s office.

Irene Estrada Rukaj is running with the War Veterans Party, Mollena Fabricant with the Students First Party, Letitia James with the Democratic and Working Families parties, James Lane with the Green Party, Deborah Liatos with the Socialist Worker Party, Michael Lloyd with the Freedom Party, Robert Maresca with the Conservative Party and Alex Merced with the Libertarian Party.

Six candidates will be up for the position of comptroller.

Richard Bozulich is running with the War Veterans Party; John Burnett with the Republican, Conservative and School Choice parties; Hesham El-Meligy with the Libertarian Party; Scott Stringer with Democratic and Working Families parties; John Studer with the Socialist Worker Party; and Julia Willebrand with the Green Party.