
Reflect on the memory of JFK

On Nov. 22, we will remember the death of President John F. Kennedy.

It has been 50 years now and those of us who were around that day will always remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news — I know I do. I will never forget that day.

I just wrote to remind everyone to say a prayer for him and his family on that day. We have much to thank him for because had he not shown restraint during the Cuban Missile Crisis, we might not be here today.

Instead of military action, such as an invasion or bombing of Cuba and the ICBM sites, he chose a naval blockade, which in the end was successful in preventing a nuclear war in which millions would have perished.

That decision was the best, toughest and most prudent decision any president has ever made either before or since his presidency and we should never forget that.

Tom Ferraris
