
City Council Bill Targets Unlawful Collection Bins

Imposes Fines On Clothing Racket

The City Council passed legislation last Thursday, Nov. 13, to increase fines for owners of illegal clothing collection bins that have popped up all over the city on public property, and to give the Sanitation Department authority to remove them immediately, it was announced.

The measure, Intro. 409-A, establishes civil penalties of $250 for the first offense and $500 for each subsequent violation within 18 months for the placement of publicly accessible collection bins on city property, and doubles those penalties if attached to city property, according to a statement.

The legislation additionally allows the Sanitation Department to immediately remove any bins illegally placed on public property, it was noted.

Previously, the Sanitation Department was only authorized to remove the collection bins 30 days after posting a notice. Lawmakers claimed the tougher penalties were needed because owners could skirt a violation by merely relocating the bins to another public location within the timeframe to avoid a violation, it was noted.

“The illegal clothing bins popping up across Queens have no place on public sidewalks,” Crowley, who voted in support of the bill said. “My office has seen a recent influx of complaints regarding these bins and it was time for the City to step up enforcement. I want to deeply thank Speaker Melissa Mark- Viverito for spearheading this legislation, and tackling a very serious quality of life concern in our community.”

The measure was sponsored by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, it was noted.