
Ridgewood civic group thanks 2015 tree count volunteers

The RPOCA thanked the volunteers who took part in the 2015 tree count.
Photo courtesy Ridgewood Property Owners and Civic Association

Every 10 years the NYC Parks Department undertakes a project to take a census of all of the street trees within the five boroughs.

This year, the Ridgewood Property Owners and Civic Association (RPOCA) joined the tree count by becoming a sponsoring community group. They held training and mapping events for volunteers at various locations throughout Ridgewood, sponsoring eight events and getting 53 volunteers to participate.

By September, the volunteers had mapped all the trees of their assigned blocks, totaling 843 blocks and 5,274 trees.

Many of the volunteers continued as independent mappers, counting trees on their own. At the RPOCA Dec. 3 meeting, RPOCA members thanked the volunteers for their efforts with a RPOCA mug and sincere appreciation.