A strip club in Corona is facing a federal lawsuit filed by Hollywood actress and model Carmen Electra.
La Oficina, located at 39-20 104th St., allegedly used a photograph of Carmen Electra on their Instagram feed without her permission, according to the Daily News.
In the photograph she is wearing a pink bikini with gem stones and her backside is pressed against a stripping pole in a sexual manner. The caption of the photo says: “Looking good.”
According to Electra, the photo has been altered to suggest that she either endorses or works at the strip joint.
Models Tiffany Toth, Brenda Lee Geiger and Claudia Sanpedro are also suing the strip club for using their photos without their consent.
Each of the plaintiffs seeks at least $75,000 for the trademark infringement and defamation, plus punitive damages.
The suit has been filed at Brooklyn Federal Court.
In their petition,the women contend that by implying they work as strippers or endorse the club, they have been subject to “hatred, shame, obloquy, contumely, odium, contempt, ridicule, aversion, ostracism, degradation, or disgrace, and/or could induce an evil opinion of plaintiffs in the minds of right-thinking persons.”