It was a special day, June 8, when my youngest granddaughter turned two, and two valued and beloved employees, Ilene and Christine, shared that date with much joy and celebration.
In one day, my granddaughter Morgan had her moving-up ceremony finishing second grade in the morning; my brilliant, strapping, voted-best-all-around-athlete grandson Ben Broner graduated from Dalton High School, the last of the “Broner boys” graduating from that remarkable school; and at 6 p.m. that same night was six-year-old Addy ‘s annual dance recital. What a day in an extraordinary week!
For me, birthdays are to be celebrated with gusto. Having lived through many traumas beyond my control, I believe birthdays belong in the category of in-my-control and therefore should be recognized. For me, parties are not what I need. I’ve had many of those. My favorite thing is to see a show and do dinner with people I love.

Since my grandkids, the six younger ones, still have yearly parties, I can share their joy and excitement. Sloane had gymnastics, Addy a farm zoo costume party, Morgan a sports centered event. You get the idea. My daughters and daughter-in-law find fabulous cakes to commemorate each occasion that are works of art and also amazingly edible.

For Sloane’s gymnastics center party, the kids rolled on rubber mats, hung from rods and tumbled and tumbled. They even got “gold” medals hung from a blue satin ribbon to recognize their achievements. I think the smiles on their little faces were as big as the full moon out that night.
It was a nostalgic graduation as I watched Ben Broner march down the aisle of David Geffen Hall at Lincoln Center. I felt an overwhelming sadness that his beloved grandfather Stu was physically not there. But it gives me comfort to believe he is with me and knows what a superb person Ben has grown to become. He is a scholar, athlete and leader. Now, the University of Chicago will have his light shining there!

Not to slow down, on Saturday, my grandsons Blake and Jonah sold fidgets at the LIC Flea and Food. With their sisters Addy and Morgan, they had planned the sale for weeks and even sold of some of their toys, too. Their premier position at the LIC Flea, with a table at the entrance at 46th Avenue and Fifth Street, allowed them to “hawk” their goods with super-salesman Jonah calling out, “Fidgets and jewelry for sale. Get your fidgets!” And they came and they bought!
“Flea Market Flip” star, the stunning Lara Spencer, stopped by to look at and purchase merchandise in between shooting her scenes for the popular show on HGTV.
I was so busy with the kids I didn’t get a chance to bid on the creative merchandise repositioned by the contestants from their purchases upstate. But the show will be filmed again at the LIC Flea in a few weeks. I’ll keep you posted ….