
Christ the King High School to award over $2 million in scholarships to Class of 2028

christ the king high school
Christ The King High School (Photo Anthony Medina)
Photo by Anthony Medina

Christ the King High School, a Catholic educational institution located at 68-02 Metropolitan Ave. in Middle Village, is awarding over $2 million in scholarships and tuition assistance to the Class of 2028.

The high school announced the amount of financial aid that it will be offering shortly after last month’s annual meet and greet, where incoming students were introduced to faculty and staff. The scholarship funds will be spread out over the four years the students are in attendance.

The school announced that the scholarship funds are available for students who meet high academic standards—as shown through their report cards and standardized test scores—as well as having a strong educational background in the Catholic faith, according to the President of Christ the King High School Michael Michel.

Students who selected Christ the King as their first-choice high school are also eligible to receive extra funding, Michel explained.

Mitchel, who also serves as the chairman of the school’s scholarship committee, said the scholarship funds are applied toward the cost of admission and go a long way toward helping provide students with a quality education.

“Christ the King’s Administration and Board of Trustees realizes that in today’s economic times, a quality Catholic education can be difficult for a parent to afford,” said Mitchel. “It is, for this reason, we feel that our scholarships and awards can assist families in ensuring their children receive an education that is spiritual and faith-driven, as well as committed to academic excellence.”

Several scholarships and awards given to students include full, half, and partial academic scholarships to those enrolled in the Royal Honors program. According to Christ the King, the program requires students to enroll in honors and advanced placement courses throughout their 4 years of high school.

Students are also expected to maintain an average of 90% to maintain the academic scholarship. Each scholarship tier is dependent on the score of a student’s Test of Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS).

Christ the King High School’s incentive awards require students to enroll in the Royal Honors Program, which includes a combination of Regents, Honors, and Advanced Placement courses throughout their high school years. The award’s recipients are also determined by TACHS scores and the priority choice of the school.

Additional awards and funding options for students include the Alumni’s Office legacy fund, which provides $500 per year for a student if a parent or legal guardian graduated from Christ the King High School.

Principal of Christ the King High School Joseph Arbitello shared his congratulations with the incoming class of students for their acceptance into the institution and expressed his commitment to educating the youth.

“We were excited to welcome the overwhelming amount of accepted students,” Arbitello said. “This confirms our earnest effort, commitment, and dedication to our students, making Christ the King a pillar of academic excellence.”

Christ the King continues to serve as a foundation for Catholic education. More information on the school can be found on its website ctkhsny.org.