
Fresh Meadows realty group donates pizza to officers of 107th Precinct for work they have done in community

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Photo by David Finlay of Finlay Films

The Fresh Meadows-based real estate firm Commerce Realty Group, located on the second floor of 77-11 164th St., recently donated seven pizza pies from John’s Pizza at 83-40 Parsons Blvd. to the 107th Precinct.

Commerce Realty Group broker and owner Marc Richter felt that doing something like this would be a great way to show the community’s appreciation for the hard work that the precinct has done to keep the residents within their jurisdiction safe.

Commerce Realty Group broker and owner Marc Richter with pizzas from John’s Pizza on Parsons Boulevard. Photo by David Finlay of Finlay Films

“The protection that we get from the officers is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted,” Richter said. “To go out of our way to thank them is important.”

Richter with officers from the 107th Precinct. Photo by David Finlay of Finlay Films

Richter also noted that performing a generous act like this was also a good way to get Commerce Realty Group’s name out to those at the precinct. It reflects just how community-oriented Commerce Realty Group aims to be.

“In terms of our values, this is to show that we respect and appreciate the men and women who protect us,” Richter said. “We call them when we feel scared and need help. The people that are there in those moments of need are really the people we need to be showing our thanks and appreciation to.”

This is not the first time Commerce Realty Group has done a generous act like this. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Commerce Realty Group donated pizza to the doctors and nurses at New York-Presbyterian Medical Group. After doing the same thing for the 107th Precinct and seeing the officers’ reactions, Richter has expressed an interest in doing it again in the future for other police precincts in the area.

“They were so happy and genuinely surprised to see this,” Richter said. “The look on their faces was really worth it all. They were taken aback by the kindness that it was. That really made it worthwhile. I would love to do this for other precincts and other areas that could use our support and help bring the community together.”

Doing something like this is also meant to help Commerce Realty Group stand out among other local brokerage firms.

“It’s not just about buying and selling houses and transacting, but more about who we are in the community and to be there, whether people are buying or selling at that very moment, to try to be someone that they want to work with,” Richter said. “Not just to be a typical salesman, but somebody that they truly like and trust and want to do business with when that time comes. I hope that translates to our clients and the community as a whole.”