The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) and the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) have announced a list of 138 recipients of the 2024 Queens Arts Fund.
The awarded projects span various creative disciplines, including music, poetry, book art, painting, photography and sculpture. The selected recipients are supported by $457,600 in total city funding, and the projects aim to invoke feelings of joy and community resilience within the various mediums.
Additionally, artists within the QAF program will use their work to explore topics important to the Queens community, including cultural and gender identity, grief, social activism and health and wellness.

During the application and review process, NYFA took into consideration the diversity of Queens, often called the “world’s borough.”
Nearly 80% of the panelists that reviewed submissions self -identified as people of color and over 70% identified themselves as women or gender non-conforming. The organization also incorporated language access services into the application process, by making application materials available in various languages including Chinese and Spanish.
Laurie Cumbo, commissioner of DCLA, explained that the QAF recipients reflect New York City’s cultural melting pot. “Queens is one of the most diverse communities in the world, and the creative ecosystem that thrives here reflects that diversity in the incredible range of work and programming they create,” she said. “Culture is a central part of who we are as New Yorkers, and contributes to a stronger economy and healthier communities.”

QFA is an annual city-funded program run through the NYFA that offers project grants to Queens-based artists, artist collectives and non- profit organizations that encompass all artistic disciplines. The QFA program aims to highlight the borough of Queens by supporting local artwork and cultural programs.
All recipients of the QFA grant are required to have a public component in their artwork, which could be an in person, and or virtual presentation. Residents interested in learning more about this year’s artists can follow the hashtag #QAF2024 for details on upcoming events.

2024 Queens Arts Fund Recipients
Arts Access
Astoria Film Festival Inc., Astoria Film Festival Media Production Lab
BERM, Culturally Daylighting Flushing Creek: Reimagining Hydro-Citizenship through Participatory Arts-Based Research
Chinese Artists and Organizers (CAO) Collective 离离草, The Ciba Punch 女拳手打糍粑
City Gate Productions, Frankenstein
Colectivo Como Un Lugar, Lugar Común: Cuarta Fiesta de la Poesía Latinoamericana / Lugar Comun: 4th Latin-American Poetry Festival
DanceStream Projects, Stories in the Moment: Belonging in Action
Flamenco Latino, The 2024 Más Allá Series
Galore Urban Tech Inc., VR Art Tour 2024
Jackson Heights Beautification Group, Summer Sundays in the Park
JH Art Talks, Off-Brand 3.0
New Music Horizons, Collaborative Artists in Concert
No, YOU Tell It!, True-Life Tales with a Twist
Open Circuit, Satellite Cinema
PinProductions, Ducky and Patsy’s Fairytales for Sophisticated Adults: Gretel & Gretel
Project Attica, Our Art Identity
Queens Fiber Arts Festival, Queens Fiber Arts Festival & Fashion Show
Ridgewood Off-Kilter Film Festival, Ridgewood Off-Kilter Film Festival
Rock Rising, Inc., Astoria Creative Arts Camp
Senior Theater Acting Repertory, Bringing Live Theater and Songs to Queens
Shakespeare on the Beach, 2024 Season: Twelfth Night or What You Will
Sharlene Chou / Magic Ming Studio, Chinese Calligraphy, Paper Cutting and Craft Workshops for Celebrating Lunar Year of the Dragon
Son Jarocho NY, The 14th NY Son Jarocho Festival
Sounds of Cyprus, Sounds of Cyprus – An Evening of Traditional Cypriot Music and Dance
Stephen Street Gallery, Stephen Street Gallery 2024 Programming
The Dream Unfinished, VITALS
The Motor Company NYC, Inc., Communal Spaces: a garden play festival 2024
Woodside Arts Collective, International Dance Day
Zazel-Chavah O’Garra, “Look pon you”
New Work
Concetta Abbate, Ridgewood–Glendale Soundwalk
Yasmeen Abdallah, The Art of Fashion
Damali Abrams the Glitter Priestess, Forgotten Black Histories of Queens
Sienna Aczon, Celestial Siblings & Other Beings: Adapted Filipino Folktales
Destinie Adélakun, Water’s Edge – Creating awareness of Ocean health through art
Adult Film and Ryan Czerwonko, Meg Case, Brad Porter, and Mia Vallet; Sea Gull
Jae Hi Ahn, Solace in Nature
stefa marin alarcon, End of The Patriarchy To Do List: An EP & Group Poetics Workshop
Alchemyverse (Bicheng Liang and Yixuan Shao), The Continent has been Wandering in Time
Alexeya, return to love
Talisa Almonte – Almonte Studio, World’s Borough Bookshop Mural
Lowel Alomar, The 6ixth Boro
Henry Arroyo/Studio East100, Re-Birth
Asoso International Arts Initi, A Taste of Kumina
Corrie Aune, The Story of This Place: Young Activists of Queens
Aileen Bassis, A Place Remembered
Stephanie Beck, Frame/Forest
Tom Block, Oud Player on the Tel
Block Chords Production, Jazz Explorations 2024
Alexandra Borovski, Untitled (Working Title: Drawing Together)
Jude Brandt, Stephen Foglia, The Astoria Food Pantry; Cascadia
Natali Bravo-Barbee, Capullo/Cocoon: In the Shadows of Motherhood
Rachel Brown, Resistance is Fertile: the story of the 45th Street Green Space
Anna Capunay, SOMBRAS
Nathan Catlin, Beyond the Window Frame
Richard Chang, Reflections
Chengslate, A Freeday
Denise ‘deLaSNP’ Coke, Portal to Progress: A Futuristic Glimpse of Southeast Queens
John Colpitts, I Happen To Like New York – New Percussion Compositions and Arrangements
Mags Colvett, Lionfish
Squeeze Creations with Cody Umans, Public sculptures for 45th St Greenspace
Credle Entertainment, Wxlf Pack (Musical Film)
Noelia R. Deza and Robert Kerr (RioNorte), La Marisma (The Marsh)
Jacob Elkin, The Snake
Carlos Esguerra, Contemporary Architecture Gems of New York City
Duo Extempore, Ordinary Places
Emir Fils-Aime, Where Two Rivers Meet
Daniel Fishkin, Artificial Inhabitants
Clara Franesca with The Extended Reality Ensemble (XRE) and Wild Tongues Productions, XRE and friend’s “Songs From The Source”
Afro-Andean Funk, Kani Sonqo / Afro-Andean Funk
Ben Gassman, Adult Relationships
GAUCHE, Do you speak Jackson Heights?
Jacq Groves, Embodied Infrastructure
Greg Hammontree, Transmit: Echoes
Aya Hirota, Singing Stone Sanukaito
Michael Hollis, Otoacoustic Emissions
Margaret Horning, Access Oasis
Karen Ingram, Biogenetic Blooms: Collaborations with Genetically Modified Yeast
The Interstitial, Jarek Pastor’s ward
Annastasia “NWA” Jean Jacques, Transmute
Olena Jennings, The Language Project
Lee Jensen, Sewn Cities, Woven Worlds
Woomin Kim, The Warehouse
Kissatou, “My Love Story”
Amanda Krische; Violence is not the home I live in
Jesse Lambert, The Bowne House Comic
Heather Lang, Queens of Heart
Grace Leckey, Hell Gate
Chun Seung Lee, The Samulnori & Talk Concert
Durra Leung, Durra Leung’s Lullabies for Motherf*ckers Vol.2
Jess Levey, Second Spring
Honglei LI, Asian American Mythology
Roxanne Lim, MAARTE
Tasha Lutek, Whatever Walked There, Walked Alone
Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, Valor & Revolt
David Manrique, Made by Us
Jodie Lynne McClintock, Nell’s Plague Play
Lee Melillo, The Peek with Samuel Pepys
Gail Meyers, Explorations in Dimensionality and Space
David Mills, Rufus King of Queens
Patrick Neal, Queens Waterways
Rossen Nedelchev, The Sounds and Rhythms in Cartoons
Louis DeVaughn Nelson, Was Beethoven Black
Alexander Ney, Alexander Ney’s New Sculptures of LIC: A Celebration of the Emigre Artist’s 50th Year in New York City
Aimée Niemann, Body Songs
Nasrah Omar, In continuum (a circle of invocation)
Arthur Ou, Viewfinder
Hsuan Yu Pan, HEAR, EAT, HOME
Alice Lussiana Parente, Lana Boy, Heloise Wilson, Dorothea Gloria, Christie Stiff; Big Feelings
J. Pavone String Ensemble, Reverse Bloom
Jerron Paxton & Dennis Lichtman, Blacks, Jews, & Black Jews: Unlikely Partners in Folk & Jazz
Avika Penaloza, Awakening Georgie
Plushie, You Are Everything
michael rendino, The Forest Fairy
Adam J. Rineer, THIRD SEX: 1930s transvestite lieder
Vin Scialla, Ascension
Nikhil Shah, Parrhesia
Scott Sheppard, Pop-Up Surprise
Patricia Silva, Bright Vignettes
Chitra Singh, Adi Shakti (Moon Song)
Polina Porras Sivolobova, Pomegranate – a small guide of multidisciplinary exercises for the nomadic solo artist
Christen M. Smith, Blessed Are Those Who Are Angry
.soundfullness, /flux_sessions.soundfullness
Sean Spada, Posing with Tigers
The Square Theatre, Slow Dance
Studio S II LLC, House of S II
Lindsay Timmington, Penny Local
Tiffany Troy, A New Ilium
B.A. Van Sise, What is Left
Deborah Wasserman, Wanderland
Street Works, Street Work Earth
Jing (Ellen) Xu, I will be, and what can I do?
Jiemin Yang, Portraits of the Moon
Crys Yin, Collective Talismans
Chang Yuchen, Queens Things
Garrett Zuercher, PRIVILEGE