
Victoria’s Secrets: Raising funds for Alzheimer’s awareness

Cathy Muscente, Joan MacNaughton, NBC host Bill Ritter, Dr. Alisa Kauffman and Ron Fatoullah before the Walk began.

The sun shone brightly as I made my way into the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park on Saturday morning to be part of The CaringKind New York City Alzheimer’s Walk.

The DJ Kunjan filled the bandshell area with music that made us feel like we must dance our way to the VIP tent as the thousands of walkers were registering.

The organizers even had my favorite Chinese Lion Dancers inside their costume and a troop of Blue Angel Dancers sending a message that the day was one of unity and awareness.

I was delighted to see emcees of the walk, ABC TV’s Emmy award-winning morning show host Bill Ritter — an East Quogue neighbor of mine in the Hamptons — and his TV co-host Mike Marza. They are years-long supporters of the Alzheimer’s Awareness Walk and World Brain Day.  

CaringKind’s powerful motto is “bridging from diagnosis to care” and the huge number of donors and recipients of their care who came out on the glorious Saturday speaks volumes of their success.

The team from Watermark at Brooklyn Heights, a sponsor of the Walk

They were kind enough to give me the Building Awareness Award for sending out their powerful message, particularly in the Bronx where their brain health initiative will launch the “Blue Zone” concept.

Before I accepted my recognition, I enjoyed singer/songwriter Ellen O’Brien’s beautiful voice belting out “New York, New York.”

I stood before the many walkers and contributors and reminded them that we live in the greatest city in the world and how the people who came out for the cause are the heroes that make us so great!

With Joan MacNaughton & Trisha Devlin of Lilly

In fact, Mike Marza called out the top fundraising team led by Alan Patricof, which raised $33,175 and counting!

I was delighted to meet State Senator Cordell Cleare, who chairs the state’s Office for the Aging and was at the march in memory of Senator Perkins with his wife Pamela, who received the Family Caregivers Award.

Erica Price and Neil Goldstein from our NYC media group

CaringKind’s CEO Eleonora Tornatore-Mikesh led her well organized tram and recognized the “largest walk team,” awarding RiverSpring Living’s Beth Grossfeld The Mission Moment Award went to one of CaringKind’s clients Sheila Gray.

It was so impressive for me to learn the mission of “providing vital services that ensures no one faces dementia alone,” so clearly stated by CEO Eleonora.

Influencers Melissa & Ez

The walkers made their 2-mile walk through the tree-filled fall beautiful Central Park and the day brought CaringKind closer to its annual goal of 650,000 to provide free services. You can help them achieve it by visiting caringkindnyc.org.

Donate online!

What a powerful way to spend a spectacular Saturday morning!


Dining in Flushing

From there I took my friends Joan MacNaughton, Cathy Muscente and Roberto Palacios to lunch at New Lake Pavilion, my favorite dim sum restaurant located at the crossroads of Main Street and the Long Island Expressway. 

The bustling former diner was packed with dozens of tables and waitresses pushing carts between the aisles filled with delectable dim sum dishes.

New Lake Pavilion’s waitress delivers our food

My seat was on the aisle and since we were the only Caucasians in the dining room and the waitresses spoke no English, I just pointed to dishes I knew I loved; my guests would soon love them, too! 

There is no menu but there are captains who speak English. I was looking for crab claws, but they told me none were available. We did get crunchy shrimp dishes, chicken feet, tofu with shrimp embedded in it and other endless choices of delicious, steaming dim sum. 

I love the fact that we sat down and the food was presented on plates ready to eat. We came hungry!

For the first time, I ordered a mouthwatering custard dessert served in a light, crispy crust that was a good way to end our “delicious” journey.

Love to you, my dear readers.