JASA’s Far Rockaway Older Adult Center partnered with high school students at The Scholars’ Academy and the nonprofit Teens for Food Justice to harvest produce and learn about healthy eating habits on Tuesday, Dec. 3.

The event also featured the older adults providing the high school students with a live cooking demo of healthy meals in the school’s kitchen before everyone came together for a sit-down meal.

In addition to presenting a great opportunity for local youths and seniors to connect, this event showcased how The Scholars’ Academy and Teens for Food are providing fresh food and promoting healthier lifestyles for the older adults of New York City.

Throughout the intergenerational partnership between The Scholars’ Academy and JASA, the students at the school have harvested and delivered more than 3,000 pounds of produce to JASA’s Van Cortlandt Older Adult Center, located at 3880 Sedgwick Ave. in the Bronx.

Established in 1968, JASA is a senior service agency that operates throughout multiple New York City locations. They provide critical service to more than 40,000 seniors on an annual basis.

Teens for Food works primarily to build a future that is food-secure through school-based, youth-led hydroponic farming.