Welcome to the Point. The Point being College Point. The free summer park programs continue at MacNeil Park, sponsored by the Poppenhusen Institute and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, and funded partly by the City Department of Cultu
Sunday, July 28, Phil Costa Something Special Orchestra was to perform the sounds of the Big Bands.
Children’s programs every Tuesday continue at 10:30 a.m. at MacNeil Park House. The Wolf, performed by Tuckers Tales Puppet Theater, is Aug. 6. The rain site for children and adult programs is at the Poppenhusen Institute. Space is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Holy Trinity Ladies Bowling League is starting a new season Sept. 9. If you are interested in joining, please go to the meeting Thursday, Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory basement meeting room. For further information, call Jo Tauraso at 746-0913.
St. Mel’s Home School Association is sponsoring a Flea Market on Sunday, Nov. 17. If interested in renting a table, please contact Linda Mele at 661-3061.
One of my No. 1 fans reads my column every week. She is Michelle Newcomb and she celebrated her birthday with family and friends.
Happy birthday to Gert Vitale who was to celebrate her 69th birthday July 26.
It was also nice meeting another fan and her family at the Queens Zoo. She is Susan Kaporch, who was there with her husband, Albert, her daughter, Ashley, and sons, Albert and Michael.
Diocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebrations — This year’s Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration is Saturday, Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. at St. Joachim and Anne Church in Queens Village. Bishop Catanello presiding. Each couple will be presented with a scroll and will have the opportunity to have their photograph taken with the bishop. Light refreshments also will be provided following the ceremony. If you are celebrating your 50th anniversary and would like to register, please call the St. Fidelis rectory at 445-1623 before Oct. 1.
Sabina says…It was a happy birthday celebration for me since my daughter, Angela, is here and my grandsons, Eric and Brian, also. They keep you young with their vim and vigor.