City Councilmember Melinda Katz, who shocked colleagues and constituents little more than a month ago when she revealed she was pregnant, has delivered a healthy baby boy.
The as-yet-unnamed little Katz “took me a bit by surprise,” the 42-year-old single mom said. “The baby is healthy and beautiful,” Katz said.
He arrived a little over a month early according to the proud mom, and weighed in at four pounds, eight ounces.
According to reports, Katz resorted to in vitro fertilization of a donated egg and sperm after several failed attempts at conception. She admitted to almost losing her child “a few times in the beginning,” and said that the “scary experience” was one reason for the secrecy.
The new mom, like most young mothers has a busy schedule - except hers also includes representing the Forest Hills area in the City Council, chairing the powerful Land Use Committee and campaigning for the third highest local office, City Comptroller.
She has said that she plans to stay “close to home” with the baby for the next month, but will keep up with events at the council and in her district through her staff.
Katz has also indicated that the Comptroller’s office would be “a good bully pulpit” for addressing health care issues - especially women’s reproductive health, an area where she has long personal experience.
People who know Katz, who only gained 10 pounds during her pregnancy while running a major committee and a campaign, don’t doubt that she can handle the job.
“She’s doing great… they both are,” commented a senior staffer.