
Making Organic Affordable

“It’s hip to be green,” says Sara Snow, Discovery Health’s natural living expert and host of “Get Fresh With Sara Snow,” the primetime series that showcases ways to make natural living, everyday living through the food you buy, the clothes you wear and the products you use.
Snow has teamed up with The Organic Center to get the word out, through their Mission Organic 2010 campaign, that eating 10% organic can improve the health of millions of people.
“The extra cost of organic food always comes up but if you really look at the additional cost compared to your total impact it’s small change to make a big difference,” says Snow. Here are her tips on how to make organic affordable on a budget:
1. Shop at farmers’ markets—They are a great source for fresh, local produce, and the key to landing good deals is to ask lots of questions.
2. Buy in bulk—It’s a great way to keep cost down especially with beans, grains, lentils and nuts.
3. Prioritize your grocery list—Select organic items you feel will benefit you and your family the most, such as dairy and produce.
4. Buy in-season—It’s the absolute best time to buy organic fruits and vegetables especially at farmers’ markets where you can get dirt-cheap prices.
5. Make the transition gradual—Join Mission Organic 2010 and commit to just 10% organic over the next three years and watch how big of an impact you can make. Visit MO2010.org.